Create shipping labels in seconds

Fill in your shipping details in an Excel template, upload it to Envia, and generate your bulk labels in minutes.

As easy as completing an excel file

Upload your template
Enter origin address, destination and package information.
Create your massive guides fluently and save time and effort.
Enjoy a workflow that eliminates manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors.

Quote by bulk

Quote by bulk

Cash on Delivery and Insurance

Enhance your shipments with additional services like cash on delivery and insurance.

Include these services in your Excel file, and our system will automatically apply them to the corresponding labels.

Check your shipment history

Access a visual overview of all your processed Excel uploads.
View details of each uploaded file, including upload date, status, and number of labels created.
Choose to fix it by editing the Excel file or directly within the platform for quick resolution.

Error Reports

Error Reports

Contact us

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