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Let's team up! Your business and the leading logistics platform in the market: The winning combination for your customers.
Partners by is an affiliate program whose mission is to connect service and product companies to a wide network of providers and customers with common interests. If you are a marketing agency, consultant, ecommerce, or a web development company, this is the ideal hub for you.
We provide all the tools, from integrations to logistics consulting, so you can master our software.
We provide all the tools, from integrations to logistics consulting, so you can master our software.
Promotional events
Connect and interact with like-minded businesses, share ideas, opinions, and promotions.
Consulting and support
Promote the platform as an expert, backed by specialists
Logistical support and consulting
Special attention and logistical advice for your shipments.
Special rates on labels from the first shipment.
Ecommerce Platforms
Promoties op geavanceerde plannen bij sommige e-commerce platforms
Tendencys Products
Access to benefits and discounts on other services
Platforms and marketplaces Customers
Web partners
Logistic partners
Tech partners
Marketing and advertising agencies